Payment Options

Purchase & Payment

Payment Options :

Stripe/Credit Card Online :

We do not keep any customers' card information on our website, Please use 3rd party STRIPE to do online Credit Card payments. A 2.7%+ NZ$0.30 per transaction’s STRIPE PROCESSING FEE Apply. (Only Ordering on our website can accept STRIPE and Credit/Debt Card, We also accept credit cards over the phone but we DO NOT accept cheques.)

Bank Transfer : (Use Your Order No as Reference)

Bank details are :
Bank and branch: ANZ BANK
Account Number: 06 0429 0322555 00
Account Name : Inhome Furniture 

Winz Quote :

We can do, Let us know what do you need and your email, we will arrange.
We do not offer any finance or hire purchase options.
A GST invoice is provided for every transaction.